Wishing you and you Family Happiness

November 7, 2010

Our Halloween Night

Jack-o-laternImage via Wikipedia
Happy Halloween Buuhahaha
The Kids had a Great Time on Halloween. Myana ended up spending Halloween with her BFF but came home that night,
So we had only 5 kids for that night.

Sebastian was Avatar from the Movie Avatar (not the air bender movies thou)

Jessica was a Emo Goth Girl something from Tokyo Hotel Band (don't ask)
Eli was Emo Zombie
Gabriel & Joshua where just regular Zombies

Me? Well....I was nothing. As soon as I was finished with Jessica's Hair and Make up I had an overwhelming hit of nausea and ended up being sick the rest of the night to the point I couldn't open my eyes,hear noise, or even smell. Yea that bad, It was horrible. I was over it 3 days later,

The Kids didn't get much candy as they usually do, Which was a bummer but hey least they got some and they paid me in chocolate..haha I love chocolate.

Ill Have to get the other pictures off of Bluetooth and upload to here later or Gabriel and alll 5 together. This is all I have for right now.
Sebastian & Joshua
Jessica & Eli
Eli & Jessica

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Hi Heather! This is Yolanda from CafeMom group Blog Connector! I love their costumes! Sorry you got sick that night. We also had a great Halloween night and I also made my daughter's costume and my grandson's costume. It's so much fun making the costumes. TTYL!