Well I had my morning coffee but it does not seem to of worked this morning. This is a bummer.
Again, last night I had another sleepless night. As soon as I went to bed three of the kids want to wake up and be awake talking my head off before falling asleep again. (Come ON kids I want to sleep).
At 5am, I got up after trying to sleep thru the alarm clock 2 times. I knew I should not push it any longer. Because I would have never gotten up if, I did.
Therefore, I got up and woke the kids up to take a shower and then dress for school. Eli-7 and Joshua-5, they were the first ones up and I had them in the shower by 6:15 am. Then Jessica-12 woke up did her shower and the other two boys Sebastian-10 and Gabriel-9 also.
Finally had them up, showers, Teeth brushed, dressed & Hair styled. Then we went to putting on their backpacks. To be honest we were way off routine. I do not know if it was the weekend that totally screwed it up or what. I just felt like things where not as they should have been. Meaning it did not run as smooth as I thought or would have liked. I guess you can say I was semi prepared. I mean I had all their clothes, shoes already ready, and things. I think it was the homework and backpacks. Somehow they always tend to creep out of the book bags and get lost at the last minute and book bags are not hung up where they are supposed to be which is starting to be quit a pet peeve of mine. It is annoying when you think everything is there the night before, you wake up, and it is NOT! Therefore, I was very annoyed this morning.
The kids did not get out the door until a little after seven that was not too bad as long as they get to make it to school by breakfast before 7:30 am.
While heading out the door (almost) Gabriel-9 pants where not staying up. He did have a belt on but for some reason this belt hubby bought was a little big on him so it did not hold his pants up to good. Therefore, Hubby took the belt off and tried to drill a hole into the belt. (Looked oddly at Hubby at the time but did not say a word but was thinking, “Umm not a very smart move there honey”) because I already knew the belt would fall apart because it was in my opinion (CHEAP) that he paid almost 10 dollars for. The belt ended up falling apart in his hands. So yea, the belt is now a play belt. Meaning when he wears his play cloths he gets a semi messed up belt. I mean it is still good and wearable so why not just recycle. You cannot always keep your kids in spanking new cloths when they play and especially an Autistic child. If you have a child with Autism, you know how much of a mess they can get into. So anyway, I finally found a good belt for him that I had stashed away and put it on and it’s a good thing this one fit him perfect.
What was the lesson I learned today? Just because it has all those cute Disney Characters or that brand new movie emblem (his was Avatar the last air bender) does not mean it is a perfect belt or heavy-duty, that costs an arm and a leg. It is actually a piece of dodo; yes, I said dodo. So I think no more shopping at those high-priced stores for belts anymore because every time I buy one or Hubby buys one. They are not good quality.
You would be surprised that I have gone to the goodwill to find heavy-duty stuff for kids. Like their shoes for instant. My mother and I have gone there to buy shoes. I mean good heavy-duty shoes and the ones you can pay a lot of money for that actually last for maybe a dollar or the most 5.00 now THAT’s a steal!! Like Tommy Hills, Nikes and Sketchers. Yea those type shoes and if you would not of known they were from the Goodwill either they are in perfect condition. In addition, I buy pants and shorts there too and are ever better then name brand store cloths. I have gotten a few dress shirts there as well. I think it is a great place to shop and helps save money.
Well I better try to get some chores done before I get totally bored online and think about going back to sleep (it’s too quiet in my house) so I will go get some chores done and then I won’t feel so guilty about taking a short nap (heheh) Blog you later…...
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