Wishing you and you Family Happiness

August 27, 2010

My After School Routine

Good Morning My Fellow Bloggers/Blog Readers
Three Lowepro's 2 or 3 compartment backpacks (...Image by double-h via FlickrToday has been such a mellow morning, since the kids have left for school. I actually thought I was going to be thrown off our routine this morning. I have changed the place where I usually store the Kids school cloths for the next day.
The past few days, I've been storing ONLY their school cloths in my room. I have one of those Metal Bar Roller type things in my room, where I have some hang up clothe shelf. I've been storing their cloths there, But I moved on out by where the front door is, In that area there is a place to put their shoes ( I make them change their school shoes & take off their school cloths and hang their book bags at the front door area) so they do not track dirty onto my floor. There is a clothe shelf with six drawers, where they will have already selected cloths to put on and a basket to put their school cloths to be washed right away. I must do this from the front door or Ill be missing school cloths.Belts,socks and shoes if I do. not So this is so much easier for me to keep track.
They already have their cloths picked out and they just put those on before fully entering the house.
I do not like when they come home and throw their book bags everywhere and also I do not like them to just go into their school bags and keep pulling out papers because many papers get lost and homework is not done because they misplaced them so I do not allow them to go into the book bag I take them at the front door and hang them up right away.
Then after there are all dressed in their house/play cloths, they can enter and head to the kitchen where I make them an after school snack (they are hungry monsters when they get home). They eat snack; they also have a small break before we do homework, they usually go to the bathroom, or whatever they want (no video games thou till after homework).
About 30 mins to an hour later, I pull out the "Home work Box" which is a plastic box that has all their supplies to do homework. I did this, this year because I was so tired of hearing "Mom I do not have a pencil/pen." "Mom, I do not have paper or crayons" well this year my mom and I stacked up on extra school supplies. I did end up sending the teachers the cheaper stuff (because they do not actually give the supplies to my kids they share them around so I kept the good stuff at home for homework use) *shhhhh lol* Then I go into their book bags and pull out all the folders and Homework and separate homework and put in one section, Papers that need to be signed (except agendas) go in my Folder to be signed. and Agendas go in their own pile to be read and signed. I usually try to do the youngest to the oldest first, But usually whoever wants to start. I also do quizzes with them especially on their spelling words, they really enjoy that.
Then I sign all the papers/behavior sheets and then when they are done with homework I check it off on their agenda and sign them.
Then they can do whatever. Well that is my after school routine
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