Here is a Photo I took of Joshua, he was ready for his first day of School, He wanted me to take a photo of him and his very proud Book bag Buzz Lighter Year (excuse the messy bed I had bags of kids stuff all over it trying to get it situated.)
SO We ended up waking up at 6am (Well the kids did) I woke up at 5:30 to get myself situated before waking the others up,
Image via Wikipedia I had them all showered, Brushed their teeth, Dressed, Shoes and hair By 7am.

We got to the school The others knew where they where to go, But I went with Joshua instead since he was new to the school and stood with him until it was time to go into the classroom. I will admit watching him through that window, and being my last baby in school it was so hard and yes I cried a little. My baby has grown up and it seemed like yesterday he was this tiny little man in my arms. *sigh
Here's a photo I took of him. He got so annoyed after awhile saying "Mommy please no more pictures" lol it was cute. He sure did look so cute in his little school uniform.
I came home after and just didn't know what to do with myself. I haven't been home by myself in 13 yrs and it was so amazingly quiet.
Its been 3 days since then and I just do a little chores here and there and omg I get so bored..Nothing much to do. I'm not use to making lunch for just myself either. Its a very strange world right now for me. Next week I will be getting down on my major house routine but this week i am just taking it slow and sorta having a mini vacation but still doing daily house chores and laundry of course.
When the kids came home I had paper work to do, took me 6 hours to finish them. Then the next day they resent me papers saying the ones I filled out where old (which was their fault) so i had to RE-DO all the papers again ugh annoying.
Today it stormed and I ended up with soaked kids from head to toe and backpacks and shoes I'm still in the process to drying their shoes without messing them up.
So now you can see what I have been doing last 3 days..
Here are the additional Photos that Ive finally got off my Camera
(Left to Right) Gabriel-9,Joshua-5,Sebastian-10,Jessica-12 & Elisha-7 First Day of School |
(Left to Right) Sebastian,Elisha,Joshua, Jessica and the little boy in background running back the groups is Gabriel. |
Walking to school on the first day Jessica-Fixing her Book bag Joshua-being silly Not sure what hes doing Other boys are up ahead |
Gabriel-9 First day of School (He always loves his Mohawks) |
Joshua showing off his Book Bag that he Loves "Buzz Light Year-Toy Story 3" |
Heading to Joshua's Kindergarten Class Room |
Joshua was the first student there, so she asked for him to sit on the line He was being so silly |
Joshua-On the edge of annoyance from the photo-taking lol-You can see it in his face lol |
Joshua was extremely annoyed by then LOL You can see it in his face |
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