The last Couple of days its been so hot. To the point I thought I was just going to melt away . Its been 102* in the house for the past 3 days and I had to push myself to get housework done today, which BTW I took 10 cold showers. I had to put on a bathing suit just so I could just get in the shower when it was hot and get out and continue working.
I ended up scrubbing my dining room floor and Mopping it along with half my Kitchen which I couldn't do the other half because I still have laundry I had to do which I doubt I will be done today with laundry (Sigh) yea I know I didn't even want to do anything last week because it was so hot and now I'm paying for it-Guess Ive learned my lesson-Or Have I??? (LoL).
So I just totally give up after my hands started hurting and turning red and blisters started popping up between my fingers and index finger..I think its time to stop and finish the rest tomorrow, The heat was sure getting to me thats for sure. (Sigh) I feel my work is never ever done thats for sure.
Well a few things I have been working on this week, I've been working on mostly remodeling my Digital Scrapbook Store and still need to add a few Products. I also opened up a Social Site called "Scrappy Scrappers Outlet" where everyone who enjoys Scrap-booking and wanting to collect Freebies, Get First look at new products or just come to chat with other scrappers. Thought it would be fun to have one, I don't have any members yet (Sad face) but soon I hope....I still need to work on my Scrapbook Blog I have so many links to fix and things so (sigh) within time I will get it done.
Jorge did end up fixing my External by installing it in my PC. Hes quit good when it comes to PC installation I told him she should make that a job but he said he rather keep it a hobbie and not just work. Ah Well (Rolls eyes) Men can be strange sometimes.
I also been working on a few things on Cafemom Site. I added a "Scrapbook Designer Resource" Group for the Designers out there to get together to share resources. So yea Ive been quit busy.
ALSO!, I am working on a Novel, Its a Fairy tail Novel, Not your everyday Children's Novel. This is going to have many Mystical Creatures ~Suspense,Love,Adventure,Mystery,Love & All that Fun Stuff~. The Book will take me awhile to finish. Myana is helping me with some of the work so shes excited and so Am I. (Smiles).
So well thats it for now, Until maybe later tonight.
Oh BTW check out "Clash of the Titans" it was a really good movie, Some things where changed or left out from the other movie but it still was a Great movie. So check it out.
Okay Signing off now. have a great evening
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