Today's been a good day until the drama filled little hellions came home LOL just kidding gotta love them but Boy they been fighting up a storm today. Cant wait till Jorge gets home to help out alittle.
Tonight for dinner I'm cooking Chicken patties with some left over potato salad and Crock pot Cherry Cobbler we didn't get to eat last night. So yea I don't think I will eat the much tonight because Ive already consumed pretty much My daily calories by Splurging on Ice cream yea I know I'm going to cut back I have gotten alittle pudgier so yea I gotta cut back Ben & Jerry and I will have to meet only once a month LOL...Then i will just splurge on just trail mix until we meet again (B&J) lol..So yea.Oh and speaking of weight I downloaded this app for my cell phone called "Calorie Counter" its awesome Keep track of all the foods you eat even has a bar scanner where u can scan the foods bar codes to find out the calories and etc. and has a dairy and a exercise Diary. its pretty cool. So If you have Android phone just check it out in the apps market its so WORTH IT.
Also This weekend my Angel Cat ended up having one kitten (Yea I know weird) I still think shes pregnant. a vet told me that its possible she got pregnant by 2 different male cats and just had one alittle Earlie and if she doesn't seem in distress to let her birth her other ones when its time...So we will see how things go. Ill post pics of "Solo" soon-Yes that's his
So anyways I better get of here before they destroy the house.. Check in with you later...
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