Working on a new thing for my cards So heres my daily reading today
First card I got shows Discord and conflict within my daily life and I grow impatient everyday. Which is so true because Im always arguing with Jorge who gets on my nerves and doesnt see what the issues are at hand.
The Next card shows a Happy Conclusion to the problem and also the card means abilities I didnt know I had will start showing it self more around this time.
The next card shows that immaturity and emotions that I am having is really illrelevent to the problem and not helping it. and to use more of my logic and reasoning to fix the problem.
The next card shows Effort and hard work and growth. the card also shows that the issue is toward a dark completed person with dark hair and eyes and thats JORGE alright who is the problem, The Bonus card I pulled shows me even thou Im going thru all these issues that there will be end to the situation and it will be a change in my life as follows.
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