Well its Earlie Morning and I haven't slept all night, To many things on my mind and today Verizon will be showing up to install Fios I think well Jorge wasn't sure I don't know that man drives me bonkers sometimes. But anyway So Ive stayed up half the night washing his cloths that he didn't tell me to the last minute he needed washed so I decided to go ahead and stay the rest of the night awake I'm somewhat regretting it because I have to be up all day tomorrow and no time for a nap before kids get home from school so Uhgg I'm going to go to bed real Earlie today lol. But Other then that I'm forcing myself to stay awake to at least the kids get up and out the door then its my time. Thank goodness I have no more cleaning and laundry to do. But I am SO NOT A morning person that's why I didn't want to just go to sleep and wake up 2 hours later um no not a good idea Ill wake up cranky so for the sake of everyone I stayed up..lol I don't think I will be doing this again for awhile..Earlie bed time needs to happen again for me so that I can function right.
Well in the mist of staying up Eli My 6 yr old who I took to get his one shot yesterday so he could return to school well he woke up in the middle of the night crying because his arm hurt where he got the shot. Poor baby it was so swollen and red and hot it looked really sore so I gave him some Tylenol and he went back to sleep. I always hate the shots they give kids. Its like your damned if you do and your damned it you dont its like 50/50. *sigh
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