Not much Today Did Normal Household cleaning like usual.
Worked alittle more on my Kit, Got quit a few things done for it
but still not done yet. Its going to be a very very nice kit cant wait till its done.
Kids where real good today they didnt give me a hard time about doing chores
so that was a plus.
Pain wasn't so bad today eather thank goodness.
Chatted with a couple friends about the New Store they are trying to set up
cant wait for that.
Other then that another not so interesting Day.
Worked alittle more on my Kit, Got quit a few things done for it
but still not done yet. Its going to be a very very nice kit cant wait till its done.
Kids where real good today they didnt give me a hard time about doing chores
so that was a plus.
Pain wasn't so bad today eather thank goodness.
Chatted with a couple friends about the New Store they are trying to set up
cant wait for that.
Other then that another not so interesting Day.