Life had been so crazy lately Ive been trying to take every moment that I can to do for me which is practicing my
Tarot readings and such. I even went to to order 2 new tarot decks and a book. Check Out My Tarot Blog
Here to see what I bought. I'm overly excited to get them! lol...I love the ones that I made but I think it will be even MORE better to have new ones as well.
Today was the last day of school for the kids-Not really excited- Does that make me a bad mom?? No? I'm just not looking forward to the extra messes the extra fighting and other drama that happened when they are all home together. Why oh WHY cant we have year round school years here..*sigh* Oh well Sebastian is the only one who has to go to Reading Camp thru the school so he starts on the 15th of this month he will be doing this until July. He has mixed feelings about it thou. But I think it would be good for him to boost up his reading skills. WHICH btw I am shocked that he even has a reading problem since the boy spends most his time reading science books and reading books about video games it surprised me. But if it will help him I don't mind to much.
Other then that and dealing with two teenager girls PMS my life is okay. Just Hope to get thru the summer okay and with my hair. But I will let you know if I go bonkers or not LOL.